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Covid Regulations Breached by Police Officers and Staff 2020-2021

Date of request: 14 May 2021
Reference: 651/21


  • How many police officers with your force have been found to have breached coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions?
  • For each police officer found to have breached coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions, could you tell me their rank?
  • For each police officer found to have breached coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions, could you briefly outline the details of the case, the date it occurred and the outcome (e.g. fine issued) and whether the officer still works for your force?
  • How other many members of staff employed by your force (i.e. members of staff who are not police officers) have been found to have breached coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions?
  • For each case listed in your answer to question 4, could you briefly outline the details of the case, the date it occurred and the outcome (e.g. fine issued) and whether the member of staff still works for your force?


A total of seven officers were found to have breached Covid-19 restrictions of these five were recorded as a Police Constable, one as an inspector and one as a sergeant. All seven officers are still currently serving.

Please find below a breakdown of the allegation made and the outcome that we have identified for each.

Date Outcome Allegations
Apr 2020 Not Resolved – NFA It was alleged that the officer was breached the COVID-19 lockdown rules by visiting friends and relatives.
Oct 2020 Reflective Practice It was alleged that the officers (while off duty on a holiday) failed to comply with COVID-19 regulations by not adhering to social distancing requirements and failing to wear a face mask.
Oct 2020 No formal action – Words of Advice It was alleged that the officer (whilst off duty) has breached COVID-19 legislation on two occasions
Oct 2020 Reflective Practice It was alleged that the officers (while off duty on a holiday) failed to comply with COVID-19 regulations by not adhering to social distancing requirements and failing to wear a face mask.
Jan 2021 Reflective Practice
1.     It was alleged that the officer failed to follow guidance, whilst required to self-isolate and has intentionally breached regulations that they had previously enforced.
2.     Officer failed to follow COVID-19 guidance regarding social distancing.
Jan 2021 Reflective Practice It was alleged that the officer failed to follow COVID-19 guidance regarding self-isolation requirements.
Unknown No formal action – Words of Advice It was alleged that the officer openly breached COVID-19 laws by going to a party.

A total of three individuals, who are not officers, were alleged to have breached Covid-19 restrictions. All are still currently employed.

Please find below a breakdown of the allegation made and the outcome that we have identified for each.

Date Role Outcome Allegations
May 2020 Staff Reflective Practice It is alleged the individual has posted a message on social media openly breaching COVID-19 government guidelines.


Staff Reflective Practice It is alleged the individual failed to follow guidance, whilst waiting for the results of a COVID19 test.
Unknown Special Constable Resolved – NFA It is alleged that the individual has been breaching COVID 19 restrictions by visiting family.

Please note our Professional Standards Department (PSD) do not hold records of fixed penalty notices issued to serving police officers and staff members who have contravened the Coronavirus Act 2000 and all other emergency health protection regulations. Any breaches PSD are made aware of will deal with under the Police Conduct Regulations but this does not mean that a fixed penalty notice has been issued.

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