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Cyber Bullying under 18s 2018-2022

Date of request: 16 September 2022
Reference: 926-22


Please can you tell me how many cases of cyber bullying in young people (under 18) were reported in your area during 2018 2019 and 2022?

Can I also have the breakdown of these reports across the various boroughs and counties




There is no specific offence of ‘cyber bullying’, therefore, in order to provide you with some useful information, I have provided stalking and harassment offences that have a cyber tag attached. Please find this information below:

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Sum:
Stalking and Harassment 8L Harassment 20 99 116 128 146 509
Stalking and Harassment 8M Racially or religiously aggravated harassment 3 1 6 2 12
Stalking and Harassment 8Q Stalking 6 25 26 28 85
Stalking and Harassment 8R Malicious Communications 159 483 606 575 436 2259
Sum: 179 591 748 735 612 2865
Location 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Sum:
Bath & North East Somerset 15 40 66 48 46 215
Bristol 50 165 187 216 161 779
North Somerset 25 94 108 95 77 399
Somerset 69 204 280 284 234 1071
South Gloucestershire 20 89 107 92 94 402
Sum: 179 592 748 735 612 2866
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