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E-Scooter Crimes 2019-2020

Date of request: 18 February 2021
Reference: 220/21


The number of crimes recorded by your force between 1/1/2020 and 31/12/2020 in which the initial incident detail mentions the word “escooter” or “electric scooter”.

Please provide a breakdown of these crimes including:

  • the month of the crime(s)
  • the offence(s) recorded
  • the investigation outcome
  • a summary of the crime report describing the circumstances of the offence

The number of crimes recorded by your force between 1/1/2019 and 31/12/2019 in which the initial incident detail mentions the word “e-scooter” or “electric scooter”.

Please provide a breakdown of these crimes including:

  • the month of the crime
  • the offence(s) recorded
  • the investigation outcome
  • a summary of the crime report describing the circumstances of the offence



Please find attached a breakdown of the information we have identified as relevant to your request. The figures provided were those identified using a key word search of the word ‘scooter.’

The tabs along to bottom can be used for answers to question one and two.

Please note that the outcome number for 2020 offences will show lower than the number of offences. This is because some of these offences are listed as ‘under investigation’ therefore have not yet received an outcome.

Please also be aware that the information collected for this request was identified using a key text search of the Modus Operandi (MO). Key word searches are problematic as they do not in any way provide an accurate response. If the key words have not been mentioned, the data will not be collected. Vice versa, if the key words have been mentioned in an unrelated context, irrelevant data will be collected.

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