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FOI Requests received, 2018 – 2022

Date of request: 3 March 2023
Reference: 307-23


1) How many FOI requests have you received in the last 5 years (broken down by year)

2) How many FOI requests were responded to with the answers to the request

3) How many FOI requests were denied?

4) If possible, Why were the FOI Requests denied?


In relation to question 1, please see the table below showing the number of Freedom of Information Requests received in each of the last five calendar years.


Year FOI Requests received
2018 1633
2019 1619
2020 1317
2021 1583
2022 1408

The additional information requested has been provided below for each year, in the format in which it is held.  In relation to questions 2 and 3, we have provided for each year a table showing the recorded outcomes of each request.  ‘BAU’ refers to a response that was dealt with as Business as Usual rather than through the Freedom of Information route.  ‘NCND’ indicates a response in which we neither confirmed nor denied whether information was held.  ‘Partial’ refers to a response in which some of the requested information was provided, while other parts were refused.

In relation to question 4, where a request has been refused or partially refused, this will have been in accordance with one or more sections of the Freedom of Information Act.  For each year, we have provided tables showing the total numbers of requests where this was the case, broken down by the specific section/exemption applied.  Further information relating to Freedom of Information exemptions and the reasons for which requests may be refused can be found here.


In 2018 a total of 1,633 Freedom of Information Requests were recorded.  The outcomes were as follows.  Please note that in some cases the outcome was not recorded, meaning the total shown does not match the total requests received.

Information released? Total
Closed BAU 30
Closed No Clarification 68
Duplicate 9
Exemption Applicable (No information released) 505
Link to Published Information 9
No Exemption Applicable (Information released) 824
Partial 87
Partial NCND 21
Withdrawn 16

Where refusals/exemptions have been recorded, these are shown in the tables below.  In some cases, more than one exemption applied.

1st Exemption Total 2nd Exemption Total 3rd exemption Total 4th Exemption Total 5th Exemption Total
S12 379 S21 1 S23 1 S21 1 S21 1
S14 8 S22 2 S27 1 S31 12 S38 6
S21 56 S23 1 S30 11 S38 1 S40 1
S22 1 S24 23 S31 11 S40 1 Total 8
S23 34 S30 26 S38 2 Total 15
S24 6 S31 16 S40 2
S30 19 S38 5 Total 28
S31 26 S40 4
S40 106 S43 2
S41 1 Total 80
S43 2
Total 638


In 2019 a total of 1,619 Freedom of Information Requests were recorded.  The outcomes were recorded as follows.  Please note that in some cases the outcome was not recorded, meaning the total shown does not match the total requests received.

Information released? Total
Closed – Section 8 2
Closed BAU 24
Closed No Clarification 76
Duplicate 23
Exemption Applicable (No information released) 445
Link to Published Information 10
No Exemption Applicable (Information released) 809
Partial 111
Partial NCND 26
Transferred 1
Withdrawn 20

Where refusals/exemptions have been recorded, these are shown in the tables below.  In some cases, more than one exemption applied.

1st Exemption Total 2nd Exemption Total 3rd Exemption Total 4th Exemption Total 5th Exemption Total
S12 349 S22 1 S23 2 s30 2 S27 1
S14 2 S23 1 S24 1 S31 5 s31 2
S21 23 S24 17 s27 1 S38 3 S38 2
S23 20 S30 10 S30 7 S40 1 S40 2
S24 15 S31 23 S31 18 Total 11 Total 7
S26 1 S38 13 S38 2
S30 23 S40 8 S40 2
S31 23 S41 1 S44 2
s38 2 Total 74 Total 35
S40 116
S41 1
S43 3
S44 1
Total 579


In 2020 a total of 1,317 Freedom of Information Requests were recorded.  The outcomes were recorded as follows.  Please note that in some cases the outcome was not recorded, meaning the total shown does not match the total requests received.

Information Released? Sum of Count
Closed – Section 8 23
Closed BAU 21
Closed No Clarification 37
Duplicate 3
Exemption Applicable (No information released) 316
Link to Published Information 1
No Exemption Applicable (Information released) 737
Partial 99
Partial NCND 28
Withdrawn 6
Withdrawn – COVID-19 12

Where refusals/exemptions have been recorded, these are shown in the table below.  In some cases, more than one exemption applied.

1st Exemption Total 2nd Exemption Total 3rd Exemption Total 4th Exemption Total 5th Exemption Total
S12 236 S22 1 S24 1 S31 2 S38 1
S14 3 S23 1 S30 2 S38 2 S44 1
S21 22 S24 9 S31 10 Total 4 Total 2
S22 4 S30 3 S38 1
S23 14 S31 27 S40 4
S24 23 S38 4 Total 18
S30 15 S40 12
S31 21 S44 8
S38 2 Total 65
S40 111
Total 451


In 2021, the way we record Freedom of Information Requests changed.  Up to 15th September 2021, we recorded statistics within Excel.  After this date, these statistics were recorded on a different system, with data retrieved using Qlik Sense.

For 2021 as a whole, a total of 1,583 Freedom of Information Requests were recorded.  Please see the additional information requested below, separated by the period for which requests were recorded on Excel and Qlik respectively.

Up to 15/09/2021, 1138 requests were logged.  Outcomes were recorded as follows.  Please note that in some cases the outcome was not recorded, meaning the total shown does not match the total requests received.

Information Released? Sum of count
Closed – S8 70
Closed – Section 8 2
Closed BAU 13
Closed No Clarification 27
Duplicate 3
Exemption Applicable (No information released) 283
No Exemption Applicable (Information released) 551
Partial 124
Partial NCND 24
Transferred 3
Withdrawn 1
Total 1125

Where refusals/exemptions have been recorded, these are shown in the table below.  In some cases, more than one exemption applied.

1st Exemption Total 2nd Exemption Total 3rd Exemption Total 4th Exemption Total 5th Exemption Total
S12 210 S22 1 S24 2 S27 1 S30 1
S14 6 S23 2 S27 2 S30 1 S31 1
S21 46 S24 6 S30 3 S31 4 S38 1
S22 7 S30 7 S31 6 S38 1 S40 2
S23 8 S31 19 S38 1 S40 4 Grand Total 5
S24 17 S38 7 S40 4 S43 1
S30 14 S40 11 S43 1 S44 2
S31 30 S43 1 S44 2 Grand Total 14
S34 1 S44 7 Grand Total 21
S38 1 Grand Total 61
S40 99
S41 1
S43 1
Grand Total 441

From 16 September 2021, a total of 445 further Freedom of Information Requests were logged having been received in 2021.  Outcomes were recorded as follows.  Please note that in some cases the outcome was not recorded, meaning the total shown does not match the total requests received.

Information Released? Total
Closed – S* 4
Closed BAU 2
Closed No Clarification 6
Duplicate 3
Exemption Applicable (No information released) 148
No Exemption Applicable (Information released) 231
Partial 28
Partial NCND 1
Transferred 2
Withdrawn 5
Total 434

Where refusals/exemptions have been recorded, these are shown in the table below.  In some cases, more than one exemption applied.

1st Exemption Total 2nd Exemption Total 3rd Exemption Total 4th Exemption Total 5th Exemption Total
S12 135 S22 1 S24 1 S23 1 S38 1
S21 6 S24 3 S30 1 S31 1 Total 1
S22 1 S31 1 S31 1 Total 2
S23 2 S38 1 S40 1
S30 2 S40 2 Total 4
S31 8 S44 2
S38 2 Total 10
S40 31
Total 187


In 2022 a total of 1,408 Freedom of Information Requests were recorded.  The outcomes were as follows.  Please note that in some cases the outcome was not recorded, meaning the total shown does not match the total requests received.

Information Released? Total
Closed – S* 11
Closed BAU 7
Closed No Clarification 30
Duplicate 9
Exemption Applicable (No information released) 389
Link to published information 2
No Exemption Applicable (Information released) 735
Partial 129
Partial NCND 9
Withdrawn 8
Total 1352

Where refusals/exemptions have been recorded, these are shown in the table below.  In some cases, more than one exemption applied.

1st Exemption Total 2nd Exemption Total 3rd Exemption Total 4th Exemption Total 5th Exemption Total
S12 365 S12 2 S12 1 S30 1 S31 1
S14 4 S22 2 S23 1 S31 3 S38 1
S21 34 S23 2 S27 1 S40 1 S40 1
S22 3 S24 6 S30 3 Total 5 Total 3
S23 11 S30 4 S31 5
S24 9 S31 11 S40 2
S26 1 S38 5 S43 1
S30 10 S40 21 S44 2
S31 28 Total 53 Total 16
S38 3
S40 89
S42 1
S43 1
S44 1
Total 560


Finally, please note that compliance statistics relating to Freedom of Information Requests are provided to the ICO at the start of each month, for the previous month.  Occasionally, requests may be logged after this point that had not been identified by the point at which data was collected.  The data provided in the above response was collected at the time of your request.  As such, there may be some discrepancies between the information provided above and the statistics that have previously been provided to the ICO for the same timeframes.  While the figures provided here are more likely to be accurate for the reasons described, they are nonetheless subject to the inaccuracies inherent in any large scale recording system. As a consequence, care should be taken to ensure data collection processes and their inevitable limitations are taken into account when interpreting those data.

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