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Homophobic Hate Crimes

Date of request: 8 December 2021
Reference: 1501/21


  1. How many reported homosexual hate crimes have there been in Bristol from 2000-present day.
  2. Where were these crimes committed
  3. and how many prosecutions have there been in this time frame?


Information prior to 2009 is not held in relation to your request.  For the period since then, please find attached an excel workbook containing the information requested.

The first tab shows recorded homophobic hate crimes for each year since 2009.  The total in this time period is 1,815.

The second tab shows these broken down by location (beat name).  There is, however, a discrepancy due to multiple locations being recorded for certain occurrences, meaning the total shown in this table is 1,819.

Finally, also on the second tab, a full breakdown of those homophobic hate crimes by outcome.

Incidents motivated by hate have a devastating impact on the victim, their family and wider community. The tackling of hate crime is therefore extremely important for Avon and Somerset Constabulary.

A hate crime is any criminal offence which is perceived by the victim or any other person, to be motivated by hostility or prejudice based on a person’s race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or transgender. In Avon and Somerset we also recognise prejudice based on gender (including misogyny).

Reported hate crimes are always taken seriously including our role in minimising the impact of hate crimes and the criminal justice process upon victims. As such all victims of hate crime in Avon and Somerset will automatically have a Victim and Witness Care Officer allocated to their case to provide guidance and support. It is also the duty of Police to proportionately investigate the incident where lines of enquiry exist, and to take positive action where possible in identifying and dealing with suspects.

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