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Human Trafficking 2015-2021

Date of request: 3 March 2021
Reference: 258/21


  • For each year, starting from 2015 to the present day, how many reports of human trafficking have you recorded?
  • For each report that was recorded how many people were recorded as victims in each case?
  • If it has been documented, the gender of the victims per report
  • For each report that was recorded how many offenders were charged as a result each year?
  • If it has been documented, the gender of the offenders that were charged per report.


Please find below the information we have identified as relevant to your request. The figures provided are correct as of the date of your request however these have been collated from a ‘live’ database and are therefore subject to change.

Due to changes in our recording system at the end of 2015, we are unable to provide you with a full years’ worth of data for this year, however the figures we have identified have been included below.

Between 1st January 2016 and up to 2nd March 2021, we have identified a total of 589 occurrences of Human Trafficking. A breakdown by year has been provided below.

2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
6 70 97 82 152 150 32


A total of 551 victims have been identified as being linked to a Human Trafficking occurrence. It is worth noting that within some of these occurrences the number of victims was not recorded and therefore care should be taken when interpreting this figure.

Please also find below a gender breakdown of the victims that we have identified.

Male Female Indeterminate Unknown Not Recorded
324 204 1 14 8


Please find below a breakdown of offenders where an outcome of ‘OC01 – Charged/ Summons’ was identified. As of the date of your request, no outcome of ‘OC01’ was identified for any occurrences in 2021.

2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
5 1 3 1 1

As of the date of your request a total of three females and eight males were recorded with an outcome of ‘OC01’ for Human Trafficking offences.


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