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Mental Health, Suicide and Domestic Incident Calls

Date of request: 28 January 2021
Reference: 118/21


I wish to obtain info about Police recording of incidents related to: Mental Health, Suicide (completed, as well as attempted and suspected), self-harm and domestic incidents. Cleveland Police advised me that they would record such reports/incidents on their system under the occurrence code ‘PS10 – Concern for Safety’, which could then have a ‘qualifier’ added to it, such as ‘Mental Health’, ‘Suicide’ or ‘Vulnerable adult’.

If your force records using the same system/occurrence codes as Cleveland Police, as described above, then please let me know the following:

Q1. Between 23/03/2019 and 25/01/2020 how many of the following did your force record:

  1. PS10.
  2. PS10 with Mental Health qualifier.
  3. PS10 with Suicide or Suicide risk qualifier.
  4. PS11 Domestic Incident.

Q2. Exactly the same info as Q.1 a, b, c and d above, but for the time period 23/03/2020 to 25/01/2021.

If your force records such incidents differently, please let me know how many incidents regarding suicide, suicide risk, attempted suicide, mental health your force recorded during the time periods outlined in Q1 and Q2 above.


Avon and Somerset Constabulary do not record the incidents in the same way as Cleveland Police. This is due to different forces using different crime recording systems. Therefore the information provided below has been located searching for the following incident types:

  • Concern for welfare
  • Domestic incident
  • Domestic physical disturbance
  • Suicidal

A further breakdown has been provided covering the following qualifiers attributed to these calls:

  • Domestic related
  • Mental health
  • Vulnerable adult
  • Suspected suicide (this qualifier was not available during 2019/20)
23/03/19 – 25/01/20
  Total Calls With Domestic related qualifier With Mental health qualifier With Vulnerable adult qualifier With Suspected suicide qualifier
Concern for welfare 31,360 0 6,489 1,861 N/A
Domestic incident 10,967 0 0 0
Domestic physical disturbance 5,833 0 0 0
Suicidal 3,919 0 3,370 178


23/03/20 – 25/01/21
  Total Calls With Domestic related qualifier With Mental health qualifier With Vulnerable adult qualifier With Suspected suicide qualifier
Concern for welfare 27,113 986 4,818 1,718 9
Domestic incident 10,780 10,218 0 0 0
Domestic physical disturbance 5,367 5,159 0 0 0
Suicidal 4,274 96 2,378 281 9


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