Police Officer sickness
Date of request: 13 December 2024
Reference: 1492-24
- Can you provide the total number of sick days that were taken by all police officers between 01/01/2023 and 31/12/2023 across the police force.
- Can you provide the total number of sick days that were taken by all police officers where mental health was cited as a contributing factor.
- Can you provide a breakdown of the previous questions 1 and 2, and categorise them into groups by age, rank and gender of all the police officers within the police force.
- Can you provide a list of the mental health and psychological conditions e.g. anxiety, stress, depression and PTSD, that were a contributing factor towards all police officer’s absences across the police force.
- If applicable, please provide a list of the services that are provided for all police officers concerning mental health within the police force.
Question 1
Please find below the number of sickness absence days in total taken by all police officers between 01/01/2023 and 31/12/2023
29617.89 Days
Question 2
We have provided the total number of sickness absence days taken by all officers where the reason is recorded under the ‘Psychological Disorders’ group. A breakdown of absence days for all subcategories within this group has been provided further below, in response to question 4.
13904.35 Days
Question 3
Please find below tables for the total number of sickness absence days (question 1) and the total number of days for categories under Psychological Disorders (question 2), broken down by age, rank and gender.
Age – All Absences | Age – Psychological Disorders | |||
Age | Absence Days | Age | Absence Days | |
Under 26 | 1238.14 | Under 26 | 278 | |
26 to 40 | 10860.1 | 26 to 40 | 4629 | |
41 to 55 | 15968.65 | 41 to 55 | 8161.35 | |
Over 55 | 1551 | Over 55 | 836 | |
Total | 29617.89 | Total | 13904.35 | |
Rank – All Absences | Rank – Psychological Disorders | |||
Rank or Grade | Absence Days | Rank or Grade | Absence Days | |
Constable | 25118.09 | Constable | 11632.85 | |
Sergeant | 3063.5 | Sergeant | 1398 | |
Inspector | 966 | Inspector | 534 | |
Chief Inspector | 282.3 | Chief Inspector | 192.5 | |
Superintendent | 188 | Superintendent | 147 | |
Total | 29617.89 | Total | 13904.35 | |
Gender – All Absences | Gender – Psychological Disorders | |||
Gender | Absence Days | Gender | Absence Days | |
Female | 12825.43 | Female | 6071 | |
Male | 15682.17 | Male | 7261.5 | |
Other/intersex | 82 | Other/intersex | 79 | |
Prefer not to say | 1028.29 | Prefer not to say | 492.85 | |
Total | 29617.89 | Total | 13904.35 | |
Question 4
The table below lists absence reasons within the Psychological Disorders group and the number of days taken for each reason.
Absence Reason | Absence Days |
Anxiety Nervousness | 2079 |
Bereavement | 411 |
Depression | 1427 |
Insomnia | 44.85 |
Mental Illness | 1167 |
Stress | 8694.5 |
Other | 81 |
Total | 13904.35 |
Question 5
We provide a range of support to staff with managing their health including:
- Employee assistance programme (EAP) – this is provided by Health Assured and provides a complete support network that offers expert advice and compassionate guidance 24/7, covering a wide range of issues.
- Oscar Kilo – a National Police Wellbeing Service providing information and support to officers and staff on physical wellbeing, resilience awareness, sleep and fatigue interventions and an eight-week mindfulness tool.
- Occupational Health Services – providing support to line management and clients via Attendance (case) management/fitness to work referrals; Psychological support scheme; Trauma Risk management referrals; Tier 3 (self-referrals for Domestic abuse/sexual assault or inappropriate sexual behaviour)
- Psychological Support Scheme – a risk assessed scheme based on the HSE Management Standards, staff in roles identified as high risk are offered psychological therapy appointments annually or on request after specific deployments.
- Physiotherapy services – self-referral programme for staff to access services for Musculoskeletal injury.
- TRiM Programme (Trauma Risk Management) – support and assistance for colleagues who have experienced a traumatic event at work.
- Mental Health First Aiders – Internal staff acting as a secondary role to support our employees struggling with mental health.
- We also refer staff to Police Charity, Flint House – rehabilitation services for both mental and physical health, to warranted serving police officers, special constables, PCSOs and designated detention officers
There are inputs within the entry route training (PCDA / DHEP / Transferees courses) on Wellbeing from our Force Welfare lead and also from the Staff Associations where the above support available is signposted.