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Stop Searches by Ethnicity 2019-2021

Date of request: 15 March 2021
Reference: 324/21


The number of stop and searches carried out for the months:

·         March 2019

·         April 2019

·         May 2019

·         June 2019

·         July 2019

·         August 2019

·         September 2019

·         October 2019

·         November 2019

·         December 2019


·         January 2020

·         February 2020

·         March 2020

·         April 2020

·         May 2020

·         June 2020

·         July 2020

·         August 2020

·         September 2020

·         October 2020

·         November 2020

·         December 2020


·         January 2021

·         February 2021 (if available)


For each of the months above, the number of searches that resulted in arrest

The ethnic group of each person stopped and searched (expressed as monthly percentages if easier)


Please find attached a breakdown of the number of stop searches carried within the timeframe requested. These have also been broken down by ethnicity as requested.

You will also find attached the number of arrests that were made as a result of the stop search being carried out.

It is worth noting that we published statistical data on stop searches on our website. These can be found by visiting;



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