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Summer Engagement

PCSO’s Michelle and Linda will be visiting Summer Events/Local Country shows.  We are looking forward to meeting both our rural communities and summer visitors.
Come along to have your bike registered, sign up for Farm and Horse Watch, for advice or just to say hello!  We will have some fun activities for younger visitors.



  • 21 July 2024

    The neighbourhood teams from Exmoor and Willton will be at Dunster Country Fair on Wednesday 24th July.  Hope to see you there!

  • 27 June 2024

    PCSO Michelle and Linda have been out visiting farms and offering crime prevention and offering Farm watch sign ups.

  • 2 April 2024

    Michelle and Linda have been visiting and engaging at local farms and offering farm watch.

  • 26 January 2024

    3 farms visited in and around Brompton Regis today!!

  • 7 January 2024

    PCSO’s Linda and Michelle will be increasing their visits to local farms over the next few months to promote farm and Horse Watch.

  • 13 December 2023

    Linda and Michelle visited Christmas Market at Cutcombe.   It was great to catch up with so many of our local community.

    Happy Christmas!


  • 11 October 2023

    PCSOs have regular contact with our farmers we attend the Cutcombe market once a month to engage with our farmers and offer crime prevention and advice.

  • 16 March 2023

    We continue to register people for Farm Watch and are offering crime prevention advice.

  • 18 February 2023

    PCSOs have been out and about this month signing up more Farm watch scheme members. We have visited victims of crime and offered security checks and reassurance.

  • 1 November 2022

    PCSOs and members of the Rural Affairs team attended Cutcombe Market and marked 20 trailers as part of a funded crime reduction scheme.

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