Thefts, break ins and suspicious behaviour in industrial estates across Midsomer Norton
Priority closed
- This priority is now closed as a result of the actions below.
- If you have any questions or issues concerning this priority, you can contact the Neighbourhood Policing team using the contact form on the Neighbourhood Policing page.
The Neighbourhood Team will be prioritising patrols of industrial estates across Midsomer Norton following increased reports of suspicious behaviour and thefts in the area. There is concern of a potential increase in fuel thefts. The team will continue patrols as a crime prevention measure.
3 May 2024
There have not been further reports of break ins on our industrial estates. As such we will close this priority.
The Midsomer Norton Team will continue to patrol on late shifts as a crime prevention.
We urge business owners to report any suspicious behaviour in and around the industrial estates via 101 or the Avon & Somerset website. If an immediate response is required or an issue is ongoing then please call 999.
17 March 2024
Reports of breaks and suspicious behaviour around our industrial estates have still remained low.
However, the team will keep this priority and patrols will continue. Officers have sighted suspicious vehicles in the area and scrap metal thefts can increase this time of year.
We urge business owners to report any suspicious behaviour in and around the industrial estates via 101 or the Avon & Somerset website. If an immediate response is required or an issue is ongoing then please call 999.
18 February 2024
Reports remain low, however, patrols will continue on later shifts as a deterrent.
We urge business owners to report any suspicious behaviour in and around the industrial estates via 101 or the Avon & Somerset website. If an immediate response is required or an issue is ongoing then please call 999.
21 January 2024
Reports of thefts and break ins around industrial estates has remained low. As we are still at the time of year of dark evenings the Midsomer Norton Team will continue to patrol the industrial estates in the evenings as a deterrent.
We urge business owners to report any suspicious behaviour in and around the industrial estates via 101 or the Avon & Somerset website. If an immediate response is required or an issue is ongoing then please call 999.
26 November 2023
Reports of thefts from industrial estates in the area have not increased significantly at this time. However, the Midsomer Norton team will continue to patrol these areas as winter closes in and the hours of darkness have increased.
We asked that businesses on the industrial estates remain vigilant of suspicious behaviour in these areas and report anything of note to the police. Please bear in mind that thefts from these areas can increase this time of year.
15 October 2023
Since the last update there has been an increase in reports of thefts from industrial estates, as such the Midsomer Norton Team will continue patrols of the industrial estates in Midsomer Norton on late shifts to disrupt and potentially identify offenders.
Again, we encourage local businesses to report anything suspicious around the industrial estates to assist the Neighbourhood Team with this.
3 September 2023
Reports of thefts and suspicious behaviour around the industrial estates in the Midsomer Norton area have decreased over recent weeks. As such, this priority remains closed pending any further reports of an increase in incidents. We encourage local businesses to report anything suspicious around the industrial estates to keep the Neighbourhood Team informed of any rising trends.
3 August 2023
This priority will be reopened for the Neighbourhood Teams increased attention around the industrial estates on our patch following a steady trend of suspicious behaviour reports. We would encourage businesses to report any suspicious persons or vehicles around the industrial estates in Midsomer Norton, Radstock and Westfield area to police.
23 June 2023
The Neighbourhood Team have been monitoring this issue and there has been a significant decrease in reports of this nature of the past months. As such, this priority will be closed pending an increase in calls.
The team will continue to patrol the areas previously targeted as part of our patrol plan.
9 March 2023
The Neighbourhood Team continue patrols around vulnerable locations across Midsomer Norton, Radstock and Westfield. There have been continued commercial fuel thefts in the area, incidents are being reported and investigated and action taken where possible. Advice to all business owners around preventative measures such as good quality CCTV and improved security around yards and access to vehicles and fuel.
22 January 2023
This continues to be a priority for the Neighbourhood Team. There have been continued reports of commercial thefts and attempt breaks and suspicious behaviour. Patrols are being continued around key locations and business owners engaged with for crime prevention advice.