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Don’t give thieves shedloads of opportunity…

Shed burglary

If you have a shed or outbuilding, is it secure? The total value of the items in your shed or outbuildings can often be more than you think so make sure you have appropriate security measures in place to protect your belongings.

Did you know? The average contents of a garden shed are worth £1,000

Here are some helpful tips to prevent you falling victim to burglary:Be Home Safe logo

  • When you have finished with your tools, including ladders, make sure you put them away in a secure location out of sight
  • Fit a metal grille on any garage or shed windows to secure them
  • Screen shed or garage windows using curtains or frosted glass so contents from within cannot be seen
  • Fit a shed or garage alarm.
  • Permanently mark bikes and power tools with your postcode and register them for free at www.immobilise.com
  • Use a ‘Sold Secure’ close-shackled padlock to secure a hasp and staple fitted with coach bolts or tamper-proof screws on your shed.
  • We would advise against keeping high-value bicycles and other items in the shed but, if this can’t be avoided, chain tools, cycles and other valuable equipment together using a high-security chain and a padlock. Anchor the chain into the wall or floor.
  • Get a family member or close friend to keep an eye on your property if you are away.

Important: If you see anyone acting suspiciously in your neighbourhood, or believe a burglary is in progress, call 999.

If you discover a burglary has taken place, you can report it to us online or by calling 101.

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