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Appeal after report of a man following a woman

The blue lights of a police car

We’re appealing for witnesses and information after a woman reported being followed and pushed into a doorway by a man in Bristol. Thankfully she managed to struggle free and run away.

It happened between about 5am and 5.30am on Sunday January 30. The woman was walking along the Haymarket when she saw a man watching her. The man followed her along towards Bridewell Street and in Rupert Street suddenly ran up behind her and tried to push her into a shop doorway.

The woman ran back towards the Haymarket until she came across a group of about four people near the Premier Inn. They saw she was distressed and stayed with her until her boyfriend came to collect her. She reported the incident at about 6am. The investigation is ongoing.

The man is described as black, aged between 20 and 25, between 5ft 6 and 6ft tall, slim and clean shaven, with dark hair shaved at the sides and a bit longer on top. He was wearing a green camouflage coat and slim fitting dark trousers.

If you were in the area and saw the incident, or have any other information or footage which could help, please get in touch.

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5222023905, or complete our online appeals form.

You can contact the independent charity Crimestoppers 100 per cent anonymously on 0800 555 111 or via their Anonymous Online Form.

No personal details are taken, information cannot be traced or recorded and you will not go to court or have to speak to police when contacting Crimestoppers.