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Witness appeal after victim assaulted near M32

Police appeal image of two police officers

Did you witness an assault near the M32 in Bristol a fortnight ago?

A small group of males approached the victim from behind in the subway under junction 3 of the M32 at about 11pm on Friday 25 March.

The victim, who was walking from Easton towards St Pauls at the time, was struck to his head and back by a heavy, potentially metal, object.

The offenders were wearing black clothing, face coverings and believed to be at least 5ft 9ins tall.

We’re keen to speak with anyone who was in the area at the time and may have witnessed the assault or people acting suspiciously nearby. If you can help our enquiries, please call 101 and give reference number 5222076471.

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5222076471, or complete our online appeals form.