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Appeal for witnesses after teenager injured in collision

Male and female police officer in uniform (stock image)
Police appeal

We are appealing for witnesses after a collision between an e-scooter and a teenage girl in Kingswood last week.

A 14-year-old girl was walking through Kingswood Park, off the High Street, on Wednesday 13 July between 6-6.30pm when the incident happened.

After the collision, the rider initially stopped to assist the girl before running from the scene. He is described as white, of slim build, between 40-50 years old, with short, cropped grey hair.

The teenager sustained a broken collar bone and had a concussion. She was taken to hospital and has now been discharged.

If you have any information which could aid the investigation, please contact us.

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5222166740, or complete our online appeals form.