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Drug dealer who ran county line from vulnerable person’s flat is jailed 

Custody image of Jay Woodman
Jay Woodman

A 25-year-old man has been jailed for three years for his role in the supply of crack cocaine and heroin in Weston-super-Mare.

Jay Woodman, of no fixed address, was sentenced at Bristol Crown Court on Tuesday (August 2), after admitting two charges of being concerned in the supply of class A drugs. His offending occurred between March and July this year.

Officers carried out an investigation into a county line drugs network running between Bristol and Weston-super-Mare, which found Woodman had taken over a property in the North Somerset town while the vulnerable tenant was ill in hospital.

Investigating officer PC James Abbott said: “Woodman has been given a significant sentence for his role in supplying class A drugs into Weston-super-Mare.

“This case is a prime example of how vulnerable people are exploited by dealers to ply their illegal trade.

“Ensuring this dealer was brought to justice for his crimes is a positive outcome, and will prevent further harm being caused in the communities where these harmful drugs were destined for.”