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Appeal launched after bus stop incident in Bristol

CCTV image of racial abuse suspect in Lawrence Hill

We are appealing for the public’s help to identify this man who officers would like to speak to in connection with an incident in Bristol.

We believe the man in this image has information which could aid our investigation into a racially aggravated public order incident which occurred on Tuesday 28 June at a bus stop in Lawrence Hill.

At around 5.30pm, the victim, in his 50s, was waiting for a colleague at a bus stop when he was approached by an unknown, intoxicated man who was verbally abusive and aggressive towards him.

He unknown man is reported to have made racial comments and threatened him.

Officers would like to speak to the man from the photo in relation to this incident. He is described as black, in his early 20s with short black hair. He is approximately 5ft 11ins tall and of slim build and is shown wearing glasses, a white track suit, sliders and carrying a black backpack.

If you recognise the man pictures, or witnessed the incident at the bus stop, please contact us.

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 52221536628, or complete our online appeals form.