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Football banning order for man who tried to headbutt officer after match

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In court

A man has been banned from attending football matches for three years after magistrates were told he tried to headbutt a police officer following a Bristol City home game.

Patrick Elkins, of Silverhill Road in Henbury, appeared in court in Bristol on Thursday 30 March and pleaded guilty to a public order offence of threatening or abusive behaviour and one count of common assaulting against an emergency worker.

The 33-year-old was abusive towards Manchester City fans after Bristol City’s FA Cup defeat to the Premier League side on Tuesday 28 February outside Ashton Gate.

Elkins, when approached by officers, then made threats towards them before attempting to headbutt a PC.

He received a three-year banning order for his offences, which prevents him from attending any match in the UK for the duration of the order or going to certain areas near football stadiums on match days.

Elkins was ordered to carry out 200 hours’ unpaid work and must also pay £200 compensation, £114 victim surcharge and £85 costs.

Dedicated football officer PC Thomas Williams said: “We welcome the court’s decision to issue a football banning order following this incident.

“We are committed to working with all our football clubs and sports teams to ensure supporters can enjoy games without fearing for their safety.

“It is important to recognise however this FA Cup tie was played out in front of a full house with more than 25,000 fans in attendance. The irresponsible actions of one man should not overshadow the good behaviour of the overwhelming majority of supporters who contributed to a terrific atmosphere both inside and outside the ground.”