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Jail for Bristol drug dealer after officers seize cocaine and heroin

Nuradin Mahamad and some of the drugs seized.

A drug dealer who was involved in supplying heroin and cocaine in Bristol has received a 28-month prison sentence after drugs worth thousands of pounds were seized.

Nuradin Mahamad was arrested on Thursday 11 January by neighbourhood officers carrying out proactive action to tackle drug supply in Lawrence Hill.

Following the 21-year-old’s arrest, a total of 260 wraps of crack cocaine and heroin was seized from his address in Barton Hill Road, with an estimated street value of more than £2,500.

Mahamad has previously pleaded guilty to two counts of possession with intent to supply relating to class A drugs. The judge at Bristol Crown Court on Tuesday 27 February took into account that Mahamad was on extended licence at the time of the offences due to a previous similar conviction in 2022.

Inspector Chris Green said: “Nuradin Mahamad’s involvement in drug supply was observed by officers on patrol and he was swiftly apprehended and brought before the courts.

“Drugs, such as cocaine and heroin, can blight communities as criminals seek to exploit vulnerable people.

“We will not hesitate to bring offenders like Mahamad to justice and welcome the prison sentence handed out to him.”

We are appealing to the public to tell us what they know about drug dealing happening in our communities so we can continue to bring those responsible to justice.
