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Public appeal to identify man in casino burglary enquiry

Three CCTV images of a man police want to talk to.
We want anyone who recognises this man to call us.

We are appealing for the public’s help to identify a man officers are keen to speak following a burglary in Bristol.

Officers are investigating after an unknown man broke into the Admiral Casino, in Broadwalk Shopping Centre in Knowle, at around 11.30pm on Sunday 11 February.

He attempted to gain access to a machine but was unsuccessful and left a short while later.

We believe the man pictured may have information which could aid our enquiries.

He has black hair, facial hair and is of medium build. He is thought to be in his late 20s to early 30s and is wearing dark-coloured joggers and a dark hooded puffed jacket.

If you recognise him, or were in the area on Sunday 11 February and remember seeing anything suspicious, please contact us on 101 and quote reference 5224037044.

If you can help, please call 101 and give the call handler the reference number 5224037044, or complete our online appeals form.