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Man jailed for breaching injunction eight times

A man who breached his civil injunction eight times has been jailed.

Kyle Pople, of no fixed address, was sentenced to eight months in prison after he was found guilty of breaching his injunction between 26 April to 11 May this year.

Taunton Magistrates Court heard how the 36-year-old breached terms banning him from aggressively begging, using and leaving drug paraphernalia outside shop doors and was found under the influence of drink and drugs in a state of undress.

All incidents happened within Bridgwater’s town centre.

Anti-Social Behaviour Co-Ordinator, Lily Crowther-Luke, said: “Pople had been offered support repeatedly, including help in being housed, however he continued to offend and commit offences.

“Civil injunctions are designed to prevent anti-social behaviour through positive requirements and by deterring specific behaviour.

“In this case, Pople has disregarded and ignored this injunction and has persisted with his offending.”

Along with his eight-month custodial sentence, Pople was handed a two-year extension to his civil injunction at the sentencing hearing on Friday 7 June.

This will prohibit him from:

  • Engage or threaten to engage with a member of the public in a manner capable of causing nuisance, annoyance, alarm or harassment.
  • Sit on the ground or loiter without good reasons in areas of pedestrian footfalls, in doorways, shop fronts or residential areas.
  • Approach people to ask for money or financial help unless they are an employee of a recognised agency which provides these services.
  • Remain on any retail premises when asked to leave.

To find out more about our work into combating anti-social behaviours and the different tools, such as injunctions and criminal behaviour orders, visit our website.