Arrest in vehicle crime hotspot

Neighbourhood police in Bedminster and Southville, Bristol, are targeting patrols in response to a recent increase in thefts from vehicles, especially vans, with tools being stolen.
Officers are using uniformed and plain-clothed patrols to disrupt and detect offenders.
On Wednesday 29 January patrolling officers arrested a boy, 17, in Southville on suspicion of going equipped for theft after he was found with a pair of pliers.
Further enquiries led officers to seize an angle grinder, gloves and a balaclava from an address in south Bristol.
The boy denied the offence and was released under investigation after questioning. The case has been referred to the youth panel for a decision.
Neighbourhood Sergeant Ben Spence said: “We know people rely on their vehicles and equipment for work and don’t underestimate the disruption and stress these thieves cause.
“Tackling theft from vehicles is one of our local priorities. Please do look out for anyone behaving suspiciously around vehicles and call 999 to report a crime in progress or 101 to pass on other information.”
You can also pass on information about crime 100 per cent anonymously through the independent charity Crimestoppers, either by calling 0800 111 555 or through their anonymous online form.