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  1. Community schemes and watches

    1. Be Home Safe Scheme
    2. Bleed kits
    3. Community Alerts
    4. Community Safety Accreditation Scheme
    5. Community SpeedWatch
    6. Dementia Safeguarding Scheme (Herbert Protocol)
    7. Farm Watch
    8. Horse Watch
    9. Neighbourhood Policing teams
    10. Neighbourhood Watch Scheme
    11. Mini Police
    12. Police Community Trust
    13. Ride Along Scheme
    14. Safe Places Scheme
    15. Walk and Talk
  2. Jobs and volunteering

    1. Police officer
    2. PCSO
    3. Police staff
    4. Communications Centre
    5. Police Cadets
    6. Special Constabulary
    7. Transferees
    8. Volunteers
    9. See all roles
  3. Licensing and certificates

    1. Firearms licensing
    2. Foreign National Registration
    3. Freedom of Information
    4. International Child Protection Certificates
    5. Licensed premises
    6. Police Certificates for Visa purposes
    7. Vehicle Special Order for carnivals
  4. Training

    1. Driver training
    2. Investigation training
    3. IT training
    4. Leadership training
    5. Operational training
    6. Learning Centre
    7. Contact Training